We are thrilled to have this opportunity to develop the Torry Ecomuseum Project that will join many hundreds…
of other ecomuseums projects around the world.The TEP is a virtual and online project in an ongoing and post COVID era. It highlights the Torry community’s enduring relationship with its built and natural environment, and its distinct social, work and leisure relationships with waterways, including the River Dee, Aberdeen Harbour, and a long length of varied coastal settings from beaches, cliffs, coastal walks and wetlands.
We will do this through a simple artistic process of community participation, blending digital and physical activities. While visibly promoting the richness of the local riverside and coastal environments under a new creative light, the TEP continues to build up intergenerational legacy and also international links that have previously been initiated, including a twinning exchange with Yubari community in japan. We are sincerely grateful to Historic Environment Scotland’s Coasts and Waters Heritage Fund for supporting our project.
You may contact the Project Team at torryecomuseumproject@gmail.com and further information will be soon be available via the Old Torry Community Centre’s website.